A Letter to Ayden

If you've been reading along the Last Adventures blogs, you've probably read about Ayden in a previous post (here). Ayden is a good buddy of Joe's whom we met through the Last Adventures Facebook page. He was born with Fibular Hemimelia, and 'despite attempts to surgically correct it, he decided that the promise and opportunity of a prosthetic far outweighs the current and future barriers' (words from his mom, Lori) and is having an amputation.

Well, tomorrow is the big day. Ayden heads in for his amputation, and we are all asking for you to keep him in your prayers. Obviously, this is a bitter sweet moment. Despite all of the positive things that will come from an awesome bionic leg, the obstacle of the amputation is not just a physical hurdle, but an emotional one. 

While there are no words that can completely comfort you during a time like this, I do have a few things to share in today's blog in a letter that I wrote to Ayden.

Dear Ayden,

I will never forget the day we met you for lunch last summer. It wasn't just your positive attitude that stood out to me, but your maturity in the questions that you asked Joe and how your handled yourself that I found extremely impressive. Unfortunately, a situation like this requires you to grow and mature far beyond your years faster than you may like, but you have grown so strong and I know that that strength and maturity is what is going to carry you through this season of your life.

The day before Joe's surgery last year was a really tough one for us. The Last Adventures activities were over, we were back home and it was just us. There were a lot of emotions we were all going through...and a lot of Candy Crush :). It is such a bittersweet time as you say good bye to something that cause you pain but is such a huge part of you, yet knowing it's for the best. But just like Joe, I know that next year at this time when you are running and playing paintball, it will make all the hard times worth it.

I couldn't think of a twelve old more ready or deserving of this opportunity of a prosthetic. I have full faith that you are going to come out on the other side of this jumping and running laps around all the other kids. You are going to do such amazing things with your new bionic leg, this amputation is merely a step in the process to get there. 

Good luck on your new adventure! As weird as it is to say, we are excited for you and your future! We are here for you if you need anything at all, and we can't wait to see you on your new leg!

Best, Johnna & Joe