A Little Update | We've Moved!

You've probably seen the Instagram stories and maybe wondered what's going on. We've been working on a lot of stuff behind the scenes around here between the wedding and business stuff, but what I'm sure you're all wondering about is...

We're moving.

Well, technically now we have moved. But there's a little more to it than that...

We LOVED our house. If you've purchased anything from me over the past 3 years and picked it up, you've probably stopped by my house and home office across from the river. This little house on the river has become my sanctuary and my home these past 3 years. The place where Joe and I became a family with the little Grohly Poly Oly; where we got engaged; where we've held so many get-togethers with family and friends. 

Last summer, we tried to buy it. At an early point in our lease, the landlord had mentioned that we may want to buy it one day, so we researched what we thought it might be worth, what we could afford and perhaps some upgrades. We took it to our land lady to start the discussion, feeling pretty confident. 

Unfortunately, she had other plans. She said she didn't think she was ready to sell, but would think about it. A few months after not hearing anything, we found out she sold it to a friend, and we were...well, we obviously weren't very happy. It took us a while to really get over it, honestly. We were almost angry. This was our home. And for someone whom had never even lived there or perhaps been there to take it away from us seemed very unfair.

But everything happens for a reason. 

In the last month, the dishwasher had to be replaced, the AC and Oven stopped working, etc. etc. If that house had been ours, we would have had to replace it all on top of paying for the wedding. While it's an amazing house and even better location, it's old and needs a lot of upgrades. Upgrades that we just don't have time or money for right now. 

As most of you know, Joe spent the last winter season in Colorado to train with a professional adaptive snowboard team. His goal is to make it to the 2022 Paralympics. And in order to do that, he has to go back to Colorado again this winter. 

So for now, we are moving into Joe's parents house through the wedding, and I'll stay there through the winter season while he is in Colorado training. Twila & Co. will have a new home with Darling D's and Vintage is for Lovers on Lafayette Boulevard, and you can (and should!) come absolutely come visit. I wanted to be here for the holidays as I have exciting new skyline products coming and can't wait to share! 

But next spring, things will definitely be changing even more around here.

Have you guessed our big news yet? 

Joe and I will be moving to Silverthorne, Colorado together full time from the spring of 2019 until the 2022 Paralympics. He has an amazing opportunity to follow his dream and he would be stupid not to go for it. And as hard as it will be to redirect my business for a bit and test out some new waters by moving out there, I think I'm ready for the challenge. It's taken me a while to get on the excited train for this; Fredericksburg and Virginia has been my home my entire life. But I'm finally feeling excited for this next chapter. 

Don't worry though! The Skyline products aren't going away and neither are wedding invitations or any other services! Catherine at Monkee's has agreed to continue to sell my skyline products even when I'm gone, and of course, the website will have them as well. We'll be visiting a lot and that will definitely include lots of skyline trunk shows! Maybe I'll even get some new ideas and products while I'm out there. 

And of course, if you're ever near Denver or in the mountains, PLEASE reach out! We'll be about an hour and a half outside of Denver in the mountains. Grohl doesn't know it yet, but he is going to LOVE that mountain life and he already has buddies out there waiting for him; and so do we. 

I could go on and on about this move and how much I will miss Fredericksburg and everything I have built here, but I'm going to save that until I actually leave. Until then, I'll just live in a little bubble of all things wedding and Fredericksburg as the wedding gets closer and so do the holidays. 

But I will say this, I love you all more than words can say! And I am so thankful for everyone that is a part of this journey. 

As if you needed more convincing to come visit us when we're out there...
