Lilly at the Beach

Happy Monday! Since it's Monday and I'm sure everyone could use a little pick-me-up, I'm going to share a little pick-me-up of my own. I know you've seen her before. If you follow anything I do, you've seen her at some point. That little pup I can't help but post because she's just so darn cute. Well, I don't think I've properly introduced her before except in passing.

This is Lilly.

this is lilly

What a cutie right? She's the biggest sweetheart (and also super spoiled) and I love her. She makes me happy when skies are grey! And she's basically the best pup ever. She absolutely loves the beach and doesn't wander.

She'll sit by me on the sand for hours and just relax. It's the best.


And she loves to snuggle.


She also likes to take up lots of space in the bed!


And that's Lilly!


Oh! I definitely CANNOT forget this one!

The longer you look at it, the funnier it gets. She looks like a character out of Alice in Wonderland!


She is most definitely a character...
