Branding Month Recap

Well, it's the last day of vacation for me. I'm traveling back home to Virginia after 5 days in North Carolina, a brief 18 hours in Fredericksburg, and 4 days in Ohio. It was a fantastic trip with lots of love and family, but I won't lie...I'm ready to be home.

I love traveling and being with family and friends, but I'm ready to get back into a routine and back to my ever-building inbox of emails and to-dos. I'm already feeling overwhelmed with the amount of things I have to do as soon as I get back. And that's what I want to talk about this week.


Branding month is over, but I didn't want to just walk away without a bit of a recap and leaving you feeling perhaps a little overwhelmed. We all know how easy it is to get overwhelmed. 

While each post has good information (I know I'm a bit bias.. :) ), it's a lot. Even as a brander who has done this many times, I know it's a lot. A lot to consider in the process and a lot of decisions to make. What if I make the wrong choices? What if I still end up with a brand that isn't me? 

It's a lot of pressure! 

So here are a few pieces of advice...

Take it one step at a time. While it can be really tempting to look at your brand as a whole at the the very end (logo, patterns, website, styling, etc.). Start small, and build up.

Let us take care of you. Working on a brand is a two way street. We chose to work with you just as much as you chose to work with us. Our time and brain power is just as invested in this brand as you, and we will work to create a brand that you are happy with. We want to do a good job. Let us help in any and every way we can by answering questions, doing our jobs and holding your hand through the process. We are there to help!

Be involved. Don't be afraid to give constructive criticism and make decisions about where you want your brand to go. The brand is for YOU, not us. We want your feedback, and we can handle the truth.

And last but definitely not least, follow your heart and your gut. If you really aren't sure, know that your heart will steer you in the right direction.