Creative At Heart (Quick) Recap - Personal Side


Where do I even begin?! I'm not sure my brain has quite processed everything that occurred at this AMAZING conference this past weekend.  I am emotionally and physically exhausted in the absolute best way possible. I heard the most amazing and inspiring speakers, met some fabulous fellow creatives, and formed what I hope will be lifelong friendships. This weekend was more than just a conference.

This was a place where we could freely speak our dreams and our fears, no matter how crazy they may seem. It was a place where we learned that we were not alone in this beautiful, rewarding, yet frustrating journey. It was a place where no drama or hatred existed between 90 some women (and men) and was replaced by love, acceptance, and encouragement. It was, and continues to be, a sanctuary for creative hearts. A sanctuary for my heart.

I will never forget this conference and these women because I am forever changed. And not just from what I learned, but even more from the way these women treated me. I am not the most outgoing least until you get to know me. I am shy, anxious, nervous and not a very confident person. And I was so nervous about going to this conference. I knew a few people, but not too many. Before I got there, I made it my mission to not be afraid to reach out to new women, to sit down next to people I didn't know at lunch, and to introduce myself to everyone I could. Luckily I also had a great roommate, Caitlin, who wanted to same thing. And every night we made it our mission together to invite as many people as we could into our hotel room to hang out so that we could meet them, spend time with them and make sure that no one was left out. And now, those women are some of my greatest friends. That's what this conference is really about.

This conference renewed my love for what I did. It put a fire back in my heart for Twila & Co. and I cannot wait to take it to the next level. That level I always wanted to but was never sure how to or why. But now I cannot wait to dig through my notes, make those changes and additions, and really get on that crazy road of being a creative, small business owner. (Side note: I'll be talking about the business side of the conference on the blog on Friday.)

If you ever have the slightest inkling to go to this conference, GO. Don't even hesitate. If money is tight, it was for me too. I worked really hard to save for this and it worked out. If transportation is an issue, just reach out. There will be so many hands waiting to help you. If you're scared, so is everyone else. You CAN do it. And it will change your life.


If you didn't know, I was the one who sponsored the pretty pink (at least i think so!) waterbottles. The tags on those bottles had a code for 10% off anything in our Etsy store using the word 'CREATIVE.'

This coupon code is for Creative at Heart Attendees, Speakers and Panelists only. 



Left to Right, Back to front: Stefani Lefler, Anna Bowser, Caitlin Wechtaluk, ME, Amanda Richards

Marie Chang, Hope Zietler, and Jenna Mudridge





Hope Taylor, Me, Ally Skeer, and Amanda Sorby



Me and Lauren Hooker of Elle & Company