Get Excited About Branding!

I'm really excited about this months theme on the blog because this is truly where my passion lies in this business; and that is BRANDING. Whether you have a brand, maybe want to revamp or update a little bit or haven't even started yet, I'm going to be touching tons of subjects this month like the creative process, building a quality brand, questions to ask your designer during the process, organizing your information, website tips, client gifts, styling and more!

But first, what exactly is 'branding'? Why is it important? Why should you get excited about it? And why should you hire a professional to do it for you?

Let's chat.

Branding isn't just a logo or a color or a's a cohesive theme or idea that represents who you are and what you're passionate about. It should be representative of the products or services that you offer as well as give your client or potential client a better idea of your style.

It's important because it's like your first impression; it's going to be one of the first things people see about your business and you. And you want to make a good impression right? 

Let me tell you a little story...When I first started my company, I named it 'Artketing.' It was supposed to be a combination of 'art' and 'marketing,' so people would understand that what I did was combine my creativity and artistic talents into marketing. And while I got it, most other people did not. Everyone said it wrong, no one understood, and to be frank, it just became annoying. I didn't put much into a brand or website other than picking out trendy fonts and colors that I liked at the time, and throwing it up with a few photos on a Mac iWeb page. It was seriously wonder no one took me seriously!

Later, I changed the name to Twila & Co. and redid the logo and website. And while it was a huge leap from Artketing, it still never truly felt like me. After working corporate jobs for a long time,  I was so obsessed with keeping my business and personal life separate that I didn't connect with my business or brand. 

This is me as a part of my brand!

This is me as a part of my brand!

Once I decided to combine everything and make my business a part of who I am, everything fell into place. I took the time and energy to revamp my branding process by going through it myself and really looking inside of myself to make branding choices based on who I am and what I wanted to do. I asked myself the hard questions, and while it was a really tough rebrand, I've never been so happy with the way it turned out. It feels like me, and I am finally proud to tell people with confidence what I do and that I own a small business.

And you should be too! You should happy, excited and proud of the small business you have started and built, and your brand should be a representation of that. 

Trust me, I know it can be pricey for a brand. And I know it can be tempting to do it yourself. And I promise I am not trying to be a hypocrite by any means, when I say you should hire a professional to do it for you after telling you all about how I did it myself. I did my brand myself because how can you understand the branding process better if you don't go through it yourself? So trust me when I say that if you are even thinking about hiring someone to do a brand for you, go for it! Make the investment in yourself and in your company. It will be one of the best decisions you make.

And I know there are so many amazing, talented and creative branders in this industry. Find someone that fits your style, and that you would consider a friend at the end of the day. That's when you know they will understand you. 

Happy Monday, ya'll! I can't wait to dig into more of this months branding topics. If there are any questions or topics you'd like me to touch on or include, let me know! 
