Hello from Chicago!

Well, we made it! Safe and Sound, all in one piece. Two days of driving; a lot of gluten free pretzels; and lots of flat lands later...we arrived to our home for the next week or so in Chicago. 

We've spent the past day or so doing fun things around the city. And I will admit, it's been touch balancing work and playtime because this is such a busy time of year for me, but I want to enjoy these last few days with Joe & Lisa before things change for a little while. When it comes down to it, Joe will always come first; he's my love and he's my family. I am going to do everything I can to be there for him during this trying time. But it can be a hard choice sometimes as I don't want to let my clients down and I want to do a good job for my business.

When you really think about it though, five years from now I'm going to remember our time together before the surgery: what we did, how we felt, how we made it through; but I won't remember what projects I was working on or if I completed them on time.  

It's also been hard keeping up with friends, messages and emails right now. So if I don't respond or it's a short answer, it is definitely not personal! Right now I just have a lot going on and I'm having a hard time keeping up with it all.

While we are trying to remain hopeful, we're pretty nervous, and a little bit scared. I will say, I had a bit of a sign help ease my nerves earlier this week. I'm not necessarily a huge believer in signs; I think we choose to see things how and when we want to. But sometimes it's hard to miss really obvious ones.

Sunday morning, I got up around 5am to finish packing and walk Grohl before heading out on our drive. I don't typically turn around when we are headed down our canal path ( I'm too busy looking at our beautiful river view), but that morning I did for whatever reason. And here's what I saw...

This photo does not do it justice, but those are 2 stars and the moon aligned pointing directly at our house below. Those 2 stars were the brightest stars in the sky and the moon was a thumbnail, so it was literally an arrow pointing down at our house. As silly as it may sound, I felt as if God was speaking to me directly and really soothing my anxious soul. 

We'll find out what time Joe's surgery is this afternoon as they don't make the schedule until the day before. If you think about it, your prayers and thoughts would mean a lot to us. We will be not so patiently waiting tomorrow for Joe to come out safe and sound and comfortably. I'm lucky to have Lisa to wait at the hospital with and to have Sean and Grohl waiting at home for us. 
