Escape to Holy Cross Abbey


Yay! It's Friday! The end to another work week. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the weekend! I had a really busy week this week, but I got a chance to take a day off and unplug which was TOTALLY worth the craziness that followed.

I've been working with a Life Coach for a few years now and she is really amazing. I've connected with her more than most other people and she has helped me through really tough times. She recently moved up to the mountains outside of Winchester and invited me to visit her at a monastery near her that she goes to for retreats, Holy Cross Abbey (below).


There was barely any cell reception or internet but it was a much needed chance for me to unplug and get out of the office. Boy did I need the fresh air. Sometimes I feel like I just go, go, go and am always available, always on my phone or computer. I forget that sometimes it's good to get out of the office, take a deep breath and enjoy the beautiful weather.


We hiked for a couple of hours on the property along the river. We found a Bald Eagle's nest but didn't get to see any Eagles. It was huge though! And then we saw the Heron Rookery and there were a bunch of herons flying around. The sycamore trees were absolutely beautiful as well. Spring has only barely touched the mountains, but it was nice because we got to see so much more through the trees.


Some of the buildings on the property date back to the Civil War and even though are abandoned and old, are still beautiful.


After hiking, I spent the afternoon painting on the porch and overlooking this gorgeous view. You can't see it very well, but there is an awesome bench swing behind these trees, and despite the mass amounts of bugs, I got to sit and swing for a long time.




If you need to unplug and unwind, I highly recommend visiting Holy Cross Abbey or really anywhere in the Purcellville/Bluemont area. There are lots of hiking trails and vineyards that are just amazing to visit. I am feeling very energized and a little clearer this morning, and it feels really good!

Don't forget tomorrow I'll be painting at the Monkee's Lilly Pulitzer event tomorrow, so if you're in the area, come stop by and say hello! And then next week is our big Anniversary Blog Give-A-Way!

Have a beautiful weekend, friends!
