It's my Birthday: a Blog About Life

Hooray! Yes, its my birthday! AND it's my GOLDEN birthday because I'm turning 29 on the 29th. The last year of my 20's (GASP!).

28 was a great year. It was another year of learning, just like most of my 20's have been...and probably just like most of my life will be. Last year I did more learning about myself, about who I want to be, the type of person I am, the decisions I want to make, the people I want in my life, the type of business I want to run....

And there's so much to learn still.

The secret though is that we will never know it all or have it 'all figured out' even though sometimes we like to play it off like we do. I remember growing up and looking at the 'adults' and thinking they just knew it all. They had it all figured out and knew how to be an adult and take care of things. And you also kind of assume that you'll get there one day too as an adult.

But the truth is, it's all a big show. Especially in today's world with Social Media where you share only the highlights of your life on Facebook and Instagram. Real life is messy and unpredictable. It's forgetting meetings and tracking down packages and clients and running around like a chicken with your head cut off just trying to get everything done. 

To my 10 year old self and as a legal 'adult' (I say that because rarely do I feel like an actual adult), I should have it all figured out by now and live this clean little life just knowing how to do it all and how to handle everything. Now that I'm 29, I don't even always feel like an adult! Heck, I still watch the Bachelorette where people are 26 and 27 and I still feel like they're older than me (seriously! Does anyone else feel like this?!). 

The truth is, I don't have it all together. And I probably never will. But, the older I get, the less that matters to me. I like not having it all together. I'm not perfect and neither is life. 

So today I'm going to enjoy my perfectly imperfect Birthday with perfectly imperfect friends and family!

And here are some fun photos of my growing up that I hope you enjoy.


I was a true gem.

I was a true gem.

Me and My Brother Sean

Me and My Brother Sean

Holding Jeri

Holding Jeri

My Wolf Pack

My Wolf Pack