Music Monday-Royal Teeth


Oh hello there! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

I am still taking my weekend in and trying not to be a little star struck, as I spent part of my weekend with the band,  Royal Teeth!

Back in June, a group of us went to Firefly Music Festival (which was amazing). While walking around one day, I recognized the two lead singers from the band. Of course we had to say hello, and asked to take some photos: one with Joe's foot (and tattoo!), and one with me.


Well, when Joe's story went viral last month on Reddit,  the photo of Joe with the Royal Teeth at Firefly went viral too. The drummer from the band, Josh, contacted Joe's sister, Kaley, and invited us to come hang out with them at a concert close to us, which happened to be a little venue in Frederick, Maryland.

It was amazing.

As soon as we got there, they invited us to hang out in the room backstage and we got to chill with the band for a couple hours before they went onstage. They are such awesome people, and so down-to-earth; it was like hanging out with old friends.

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We started talking about Firefly and how stoked we all were to see all those different bands, and it was really cool to hear them talk about how they were also a little star struck when they met some of the other artists or saw them in concert. It was amazing how real they were. They thought Joe was more famous than them because of all of his publicity!

The show was in a super small venue, but we couldn't have been happier because we were able to be right by the stage, and still be pretty comfortable. I didn't have to use the zoom function for anything! This is how close we actually were for both concerts.




After hanging out backstage for a bit, Joe and I decided to grab some food and sit out in the crowds before the show started. So we found a random table to sit at with a young guy we had seen around the backstage area. He began chatting a little bit, and he asked us how we knew the Royal Teeth, until finally we all introduced ourselves. Turns out we had been eating dinner with guitarist from Youngblood Hawke, Tasso! He told us all about touring with the band, and what the touring life was like. And later in the evening before they played, Tasso even introduced us to the rest of Youngblood Hawke. It was so cool.

Here's Tasso rocking on stage!



The whole night was pretty surreal. We were definitely trying to play it cool and be chill, but inside we were just bursting with excitement at not only meeting these amazing bands, but getting to hang out and have a drink with them. As soon as we got in the car, we couldn't stop talking about it the whole way home. It was an amazing experience.

A huge, huge thank you to Royal Teeth for inviting us and being such amazing hosts. We were so stoked to be there. And a huge thank you to Kaley for keeping us in touch with them to make this happen. Unfortunately, Kaley was quite sick and couldn't come with us :(, but she was there in spirit!

And if you haven't heard of Royal Teeth yet, LISTEN NOW! The video is right here!


Happy Monday!
