One Year

This weekend marks Joe and I's one year anniversary. Yes, one year (only one year?). It's bittersweet, but I'll be leaving to head to the Creative at Heart conference tomorrow (it's finally here!), so I saved this weeks Last Adventures post for today as a little present before I head out. And I'm going to try not to be sappy. Promise.

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Photo by Instant de vie Photography

One year: the longest and quickest year of my life. The year that changed my life in more ways than I could have ever imagined. Last year at this time, if you had asked me what the year would bring me, I would have never guessed all of this. This past year has challenged me, exhausted me, and changed me but in the most beautiful way possible. And I couldn't have done it without Joe.

When people ask us how long we've been together, we always laugh and say 'one year...going on five.' Because that's what it feels like. It feels like this past year absolutely flew by but at the same time so much happened and we did so much that it felt like the longest year too. Isn't it funny how time does that? It's so true what they say that the older you get, the faster time flies.

Thanks to Joe, in the past year I crossed more off of my bucket list than I have in my entire life. We sky dived, scuba dived, para-sailed, went to our first music festival, and traveled to the Dominican Republic, San Francisco, and Vermont. He's introduced me to the most amazing people along the way; including his fantastic family. Thanks to Joe, I've learned the importance of putting family and love first because that's what truly matters in life, how to be patient, how to put others before myself (most of the time ;) ), and what it means to love unconditionally. I know now that no matter what life throws at us in the future, we will always make it because we've been through so much already.

Thank you, Joe, for being my best friend, my partner in crime, my rock, and my soul mate. You still love me even when I feel like I don't deserve it. You make me laugh more than anyone and you make me want to be the best person I can be. And I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us!
