Summer Bucket List

Happy Memorial Day!

First and foremost, a huge thank you to our military and their families for their sacrifice and service for this amazing country we live in. Thank you for fighting for our continued freedom. Especially to my cousin Andy who is currently overseas and his family he left at home. Please come home safely!

I cannot believe summer is already here. I feel like it was JUST snowing. I am enjoying a lovely Memorial Day weekend. Saturday I went to a Dave Matthews Concert with Joe, and then Sunday I took the train (almost didn't make it) to New York where I am spending some wonderful time with Joe's mom and sisters. It's really nice to get away from Fredericksburg for a few days and have some girl time. 

Last summer, Joe and I packed in TONS of bucket list items into a short one-month period before his amputation and we had such a great time going on those adventures. We've come such a long way since last summer, and even more so in these past couple months, as individuals and as a couple. We have grown in ourselves and together, and as we hit summer, we are truly coming out of this darker phase of our lives and into a much better place.

This year, we are moving into a summer with him walking and running again. Yay! I am so excited for this and decided that I want to do another bucket list this year to celebrate his walking without pain and his one year amputation anniversary (or ampuversary as I've seen some call it). 

So today's blog is going to be all about that bucket list. If you haven't made a bucket list yet (whether one for life in general or just a particular season of life), I highly suggest that you do. It's a great way to voice the things you want to do and to hold yourself accountable for it too. And when you find yourself bored or with an open weekend, it's a great source of inspiration for finding something to do.

So here's our bucket list for Summer 2015:

  • Another Firefly Music Festival 
  • Fourth of July Fireworks and Festival in Downtown Fredericksburg
  • Beach-this year, Joe will be able to walk and swim and run on the beach and in the ocean! I'm so excited!
  • Berry Picking- this is one of my all-time favorite summer activities! We always head out to Westmoreland Berry Farm and it's an amazing time.
  • Wine Tastings-notice the plural ;)
  • Running the trails downtown with Joe
  • Walking around Downtown
  • Saturday Farmers Markets
  • Go out on the town with my sister (She turns 21!)
  • Enjoy drinks with Jeri at the beach since she'll be 21
  • Tour the Bowman Distillery in Fredericksburg
  • Kayaking on the Rappahannock
  • Live Music at Kenmore Inn 
  • Fredericksburg First Friday 
  • Rock the River Fredericksburg
  • Dinner at Tim's II in Fairview Beach
  • Low Country Broil 
  • Night time tour of the Monuments in Washington DC

What's on your summer bucket list?? 

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