Take Me Out to a Ball Game!


Yesterday I got to see the Nationals (COMPLETELY) crush the Phillies. Somewhere I know Cory Matthews is crying over that loss. 7 - 0! 


If I’m being completely honest, I go 50% for the game and 50% for the gluten free soft pretzels. That’s a lie; it’s about 30/70. If there’s one thing I miss from being gluten free, it’s an Auntie Anne’s soft pretzel.  Sure, it may not be quite the same as Auntie’s, but still totally good and worth it!


The game didn't start until 7:00 pm which made the weather pretty much perfect to be sitting in. After each inning the big screen changes to Nationals fans dancing, waving, and last night proposing! Before the 4th inning, the screen changed over to an adorable couple of National’s fans and Screech – the mascot. The guy dropped down on his knee and popped the question! It was absolutely precious. I found them after and handed them my card; how cool would it be to plan a wedding inside that stadium??


The game didn’t end until 10:30, so we got to see it under the lights too which is always pretty cool. Tonight’s game offers $1 hot dogs and Thursday’s game come with a free Plain White T’s concert! If you’re looking for something to do this summer, go see a game. Tickets start at $6. That’s ridiculous. Seriously, go.



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