The Big 28

AHHH I can't believe another birthday is here. Last year, I celebrated my birthday twice: once sky diving (that was my gift!) and again at Georgetown Hospital right after Joey's surgery and we ate pizza on the patio. It was awesome. This year, I celebrated by having friends over and heading out on the boat and watching Joe wakeboard again and it was incredible. Crazy how so much changes within a year isn't it? 

My favorite part about birthdays is being able to bring everyone together. I absolutely LOVE being surrounded by my friends and family, and that's why I love any holiday or reason to bring them all together. This year's birthday is not disappointing! This weekend, despite the rain and storms, we still had a fabulous time just hanging out together and I couldn't have asked for a better birthday celebration.

Today I want to take a little time to say thank you, because there can never, ever be enough gratitude towards the people in your life. Especially for all that I have been blessed with in my life. 

Thank you to Joey, for being my rock and biggest supporter through everything. He supports me in more ways than I could have imagined and he has been a dream come true. It is thanks to him that Twila & Co. stays afloat and that it gets the time and energy it deserves because he understands what this business means to me and allows me to work when I need to and never complains. Joey, you are the love and light of my life! Every day I'm with you is a glorious one. 


Thank you to my family for always being there for me and showing me unconditional love. You have made me who I am today as you have been my amazing role models who have taught me real love, strength, motivation, hard work and support. Not only are you my family, but my best friends and my wolf pack. 



Thank you to the Pleban's for treating me like a daughter and a sister. Your love and acceptance means more to me than you'll ever know, and I am so blessed to be included in such a wonderful and fun family. Thank you for all the grand adventures we've had and the ones I know we will have in the future. 


Thank you to my friends and roommates for being fun, supportive, and accepting of me exactly as I am. It is such a joy to have every single one of you in my life as I know you truly accept me for who I am (and still love me anyways). You truly are the best friends a girl could ask for and have been by my side through so much over the past few years. I could not have done it without your love and support through it all. And thank you for coming to celebrate with me despite the rain and storms. I had an amazing time just because I was with you!

And lastly, but certainly not least, thank you to YOU, my Twila followers. You guys truly keep this dream of mine alive. Without your support and love, it would be so much harder to do what I do every day. Your comments and social media love mean so much to me and make me feel not so alone when I'm sitting in my office by myself and I truly thank you. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. While technically, Twila & Co. is just little old me on a daily basis, this company is only still alive because of the incredibly support of EVERY PERSON involved. Without each piece of the puzzle, the company would not be whole and would not be as successful and fun as it is. I could never thank you all enough for what you have given me. I love you all!

Cheers to another amazing year in this incredible life!

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