The Holiday Balancing Act

DSC04414_small Oh friends, what a fun and overwhelming time the holidays are! I’m sure we have all experienced how such a happy and joyful time can turn quickly into “I need a glass of wine and for nobody to talk to me.”  It can be chaotic to handle a job, family, friends, and if you’re lucky, a little personal time! I've come up with just a few simple guidelines to help ease the stress of the holidays, and maintain a positive work-life balance through the season and into the New Year.

  • Make a list and check it twice! That goes for updating your planner, getting any work deadlines nailed down, making travel plans, having visitors, etc. Having all of your important information in one place will be helpful for yourself and for your family, too! A family calendar, or at least letting your significant other know what your short and long term plans are, will cut down on confusion and last minute rushing around.


  • Take time to intentionally disconnect. Whether it’s a yoga class once a week, sprinting your heart out during spin class, or a quiet few minutes with your coffee in the morning , setting time aside specifically to disengage from the madness will be something you can look forward to! Write it in your planner and think of it as an appointment just like any other – no cancelling on yourself!


  • Spend time on the meaningful things this holiday season. Volunteer to help the less fortunate and take a day off work to visit with your grandmother when she’s in town. The memories you make and the impact you have on other people’s lives will bring you happiness and bring things into perspective. Take time to gift people with your time, caring, and affection – those are the best gifts of all! If you are looking for any local places to volunteer your time, The Brisben Center, The Hope House, and Greater Fredericksburg Habitat for Humanity are always looking for volunteers.

