Weekend Adventures: East Coast Beach Tour

What a week! I have been doing a lot of traveling this past week, and while it ended a little rough, it was a ton of fun! I was lucky enough to get to spend some quality 'me' time in Duck, NC by myself. To be honest, at first I thought it might be a little weird, but I could have stayed there forever. It was amazing and relaxing. If you ever get a chance to go somewhere like that by yourself, TAKE IT. Don't even think. It was so good for my soul.


I stopped by my favorite seafood market, Dockside N' Duck, my first day to stock up on seafood for the week.  And as you can see below, I thoroughly enjoyed some of their delicious crab dip every evening on the deck.


I got into an awesome routine of running in the mornings, getting a little work done, taking a break on the beach, getting a little more work done, another break on the beach, and then working all evenings from the deck. It made getting my work done so much easier and less stressful.

I had a few stormy nights, but even the storms at the beach were beautiful.

stormy nights

I even had some time to paint, which is rarer than it should be. I've been working on some little watercolor cards (which I can't wait to share with you soon), and got a bunch more done!


After 5 days in Duck, I drove up the coast on the long, expensive Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel to Dewey Beach, Delaware to meet my good friend Mary for a little beach getaway. It was pouring rain when we arrived, but when it finally cleared up we had great weather the rest of the trip. We had a blast and enjoyed everything that Dewey had to offer.


Our first night we went to dinner at Nalu which has the BEST nachos I have ever had. And they're HUGE. We barely even ate half of them.

photo 1

Saturday morning we had a delicious breakfast at Hammerheads, which had an All-You-Can-Drink-Coffee Bar, which was just what we needed.


Saturday we were able to lay out on the beach all day long!

I brought a 'Spiker' with me, that you dig into the sand and holds your drink (even large enough for coozies!). Mary had the brilliant idea of using it to play music louder from my iPhone, and it worked great!

You can even get custom ones from etsy here or here.


Saturday evening we went to Que Pasa? for dinner, which is a fantastic Mexican restaurant that sits in the sands on the Rehoboth Bay. The tacos and sangria were amazing, and a great start to our evening!



It was so nice to spend time with Mary (two weekends in a row!) and enjoy the beach. I love to travel, and even though I'd love to do some bigger trips to other countries, I sometimes forget there is so much to see and do here in the states, just a few hours away.

In a few months, I'm planning a trip to Annapolis! Shocker, but I have never been! I'd also like to do a North and South Carolina tour soon too. While I've seen so much, there's still so much to see!

Where do you like to travel? I'd love suggestions!

XO- Johnna