Weekend Adventures: Pennsylvania


Every fall, my cousin Rose and I take a trip up to her hometown of Stoystown, Pennsylvania for some rest and relaxation out in the country. It's one of my favorite trips of the year as it's a chance to get away and unplug for a few days in a gorgeous area. I love it.


While every year is different, there are still a few things that are always on our to-do list while we are there. Our first day usually includes stopping at our favorite candy story, Henry's, for some mallow cups and peanut butter melt-a-ways, followed by a trip to my favorite winery, Glade's Pike. I always buy a TON of bottles when visiting to stock up. Our favorite is their Spiced Apple Wine, but I also enjoy their Table Red, Raspberry Wine, and the Concord. The wines have a grapier taste than some places, but I absolutely love it. Not to mention, they have a fantastic view.

Our day also included visiting with a friend of Rose's who recently purchased land to build a house. It is absolutely gorgeous and it is such an exciting time! It was so fun to hear all of their plans and see the colors they picked out. A big congratulations for them is definitely in order!



On Saturday, my aunt and uncle took us to Ligonier, PA (and to do a little shopping in Greensburg). Ligonier reminds my cousin of Star's Hallow from Gilmore Girls, and I definitely have to agree. It's a small, quaint little town all surrounding a beautiful park and gazebo in the middle.


They had some kind of contest going on around the town where groups or stores created scenes or people of sorts. We saw several Monsters Inc., lots of witches, breast cancer awareness, and tons more. We had a lot of fun taking pictures with them. This first one is my favorite.



I started my half marathon training last week, so I had to make sure I kept up with my running. Let me tell you: IT WAS COLD. But the views were unbelievable. There are some dirt roads near my aunt and uncle's house that I was able to run on and the view were simply gorgeous. It was definitely worth a few frozen fingers.

morning run

We headed home with tons of leftover food, chocolate and wine on Sunday. But not without a stop at our favorite road trip stop, the Virginia Farm Market. If you are traveling in Winchester, this is a must-stop (you probably recognize it from an earlier blog as we stop here every time we head north). We got to stretch our legs and had some fun with the wooden cut outs.

va farm market

va farm market 2

It was such a wonderful weekend and I truly treasure the time I get to spend with Rose and my family. My aunt and uncle treat us so well while we are there, it's hard to leave! I'll already be looking forward to our next trip!!

What did you do this weekend?

xo- Johnna