Welcome Home

IMG_0415 Wow! It's been a whirlwind of a week. Actually, I take that back. It's been a whirlwind of a month: 1 week in the Dominican Republic (which was totally awesome!), 4 days at a music festival (again, totally awesome!), and 1 week at the Georgetown hospital (About as awesome as a hospital visit can be thanks to my amazing boyfriend and his fantastic family).

As you know from my previous post, Joe's been going through a lot the past couple months with his decision to amputate his left foot. Well, last week was the big surgery, and everything went perfectly. He is doing so well, and is getting better and stronger every day. It is so wonderful to see. He's got such an amazing attitude about everything and he continues to inspire me every day.

While in the hospital, we spent a lot of time being total goofs to pass the time: wheelchair races at 1 AM, goofing off with the nurses, telling jokes, shooting Nerf guns, making up our own trash can basketball games... And of course, watching the USA World Cup games...(YAY TIM HOWARD!)


I am beyond thankful for these 2 (Joe's fantastic parents) who made me feel at home the entire time we were there. It is always such a pleasure getting to spend time with them. Especially over a delicious glass of wine (or gin and tonic).


Joe's sister, Kaley, brought this awesome beard and we all got the biggest kick out of it the whole time we were there. We had a lot of fun making the nurses laugh. I mean, look at this face!




And despite being in the hospital, Joe did such an amazing job celebrating my birthday. He got me these beautiful flowers, planned a pizza party for me (complete with gluten free pizza), scheduled a Skype date with my family, and made sure that EVERYONE on his floor knew it was my birthday. I felt so loved and celebrated all day long by everyone. I am truly a lucky, lucky girl.

Even our friend Moses, who delivered Joe's food everyday brought me a cupcake! I couldn't eat the actual cake, but let me tell you, that frosting was amazing.


Kaley even made me this awesome wine label as they gave me a few bottles of wine for my birthday (which Kaley and I promptly demolished that night in the hotel room over some good girl talk.)


We are all so happy to be home and to start the road to recovery. And I know we will all be seeing Joe running around sooner rather than later. I couldn't be more thankful to my family, Joe's family, my friends and my clients. You have been such an amazing support system for myself and to Joe during all of this and it has helped tremendously.

I would like to really thank my clients for being so understanding and patient during this time. I couldn't have done any of this without you. You make my job and company manageable during these times and I am so thankful to work with such wonderful people.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
