What I'm thankful for this year

Happy {almost} Thanksgiving! 

This will (most likely) be my last blog for this year. I might sneak in one or two, here or there, but for the most part, I want to spend the holidays focusing on family, the pop-up shops, and catching up a little bit before the end of the year. I love this blog, but sometimes it can be a bit much and I just need a break. But we'll still be on Facebook and Instagram, so be sure to follow us and come say hello at our Pop-Up shops! We would love to see you.

Despite all the obstacles that the universe tried to throw at us this year (two moves, two surgeries, a new pup, too much time on crutches...), we made it through. I am so thankful. Thankful to have a wonderful, supportive, funny, goofball of a man by my side through it all; thankful for a little goofball pup who is just the best thing that could have happened to us; thankful that despite the surgeries, Joe is HEALTHY and healing and continues to have such an incredible attitude about it. After many years of celebrating these holidays as a single gal (which were just as good!), I am thankful for being able to build myself this little family that lights up my life.

And my business, oh my goodness. Twila has come SO FAR this past year and I don't even know what to say. I am so thankful to my clients, my readers, my friends and family; it's because of them that any of this is possible. They believe in me and support me in so many ways that I can't even begin to say and without them I would not be here. This company would not be here. 

Next, I am so thankful to be living in a country that not only allows me to run my own business, especially as a woman, but actually ENCOURAGES me to do what makes me happy. I'm so thankful to live in a place where we have Tuesday's Together and Community Over Competition and Made in FredVA Competitions...We are encouraged to walk our own paths, speak our minds, and live freely. We are given grace....

Yes, Grace.

Grace to speak our truths. Grace to form our own opinions and make our own choices. Grace to make mistakes. Grace to learn from those mistakes. Grace to learn how to react to those mistakes in a humble, grateful manner, and to know that those mistakes are to remind us that we're only human; we are not perfect and we cannot do it all.

As Emily Ley so beautiful put it, 'Grace not Perfection.' 

Overall, that's what I am thankful for: Grace. That even though I am not perfect and I make lots of mistakes and I say the wrong thing and take them fore-granted, these amazing, fabulous humans in my life still believe in me, support me and love me. They know that I'm doing the best I can with what I have and that's more than enough. I am so thankful for all of the people in my amazing life; I don't know what I would do without you.


And of course I'm thankful for this little guy!

And of course I'm thankful for this little guy!