Where I've Been...

View More: http://instantdeviephotography.pass.us/johnna_joe

Oh man, I know it's been a while since I've blogged. My schedule has just been crazy! I promise I'm going to try to get back on track this summer and share all of the crazy adventures we've had going on. Just this past week, Joe (my handsome boyfriend seen above) and I went go-karting (some awesome, seriously intense go-karts!), had our photos taken, went kayaking on the Rappahannock, paint-balling in the woods (I came home with some pretty nasty bruises), and he got a tattoo. It's been amazing. In fact, our entire month of June is kind of scheduled like that: weddings, vacation, birthdays, music festivals....  It's been pretty crazy (but totally worth it).

You might be wondering why we have so much going on this month, so let me explain a bit. For the past 6 years, Joe's been dealing with a joint disease in his ankle, causing it to deteriorate to the point that he can't do anything active and there's no hope of improvement in the future. About a month or so ago, Joe made the brave decision to amputate his left foot so that he can go back to having the active lifestyle (running, wake-boarding, snow-boarding, rugby, etc.) that he not only loves, but absolutely deserves.

His surgery is June 25th, and we've been trying to get in as many activities as we can before he's out for a few weeks (although, I will say that recovery time on this is much less than I expected. And with Joe's super strength and positive attitude, I don't think he'll be out for too long.) Plus, his family and friends provide such an amazing support system.

For me, I just feel so lucky to be a part of his life. His courage to make this decision and the strength he shows every day is such an inspiration to me. He gives me strength and confidence in myself I never even knew I had. And selfishly, I cannot wait to run with him after he's got his awesome new bionic leg, even though he's most likely going to kick my butt. Oh, and our Halloween costumes are going to be pretty rad...we already started planning.

That all said, I asked a dear friend, and amazing photographer, Minh Hussey of Instant de vie Photography to take some photos of us downtown Fredericksburg by the train tracks before the surgery because...well...why not?! And I can't believe how amazing they turned out. I am so happy with it. I can't deny it, we're pretty darn cute ;)

View More: http://instantdeviephotography.pass.us/johnna_joe

I think this one (below) is my favorite!

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View More: http://instantdeviephotography.pass.us/johnna_joe


View More: http://instantdeviephotography.pass.us/johnna_joe

These (below) are Joe's favorites. 


And Joe's only making goofy faces in a few of them :) and, as always, making me laugh.


A HUGE thank you goes out to Minh for doing these on such short notice. She captured us so perfectly: just hanging out, having fun, and even a little goofy.

You can check out her blog here, and make sure to follow Minh on Facebook too.

Check back for more summer adventures (I promise to try to keep up!)! And if you'd like to follow Joe's adventures to see what he's up to before his surgery, follow his Facebook Page: the Last Adventures of Joe's Left Foot.
