Whitney & Booth | Richmond, VA

I know I said we would vote on the Burg Box logo today, but we're gonna push that back to Monday so we can take today to see some GORGEOUS wedding photos! 

As you probably already know, I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in my best friend, Whitney's, beautiful wedding last month. It was SO. MUCH. FUN. And it just beautiful. I mean wait until you see the pictures. The weather was perfect, the styling was well done and everyone was ready to celebrate and have a great time! 

Not only was I in the wedding, but I got to do ALL of the paper goods too! Place tags, invitations, hand painted signs, favors, tags, etc. You name it, we did it. We had many girls days painting and crafting over the past few months, and it was totally worth it. They turned out great. I also had the pleasure of getting to work with my sister again who was the event coordinator and stylist. I was so proud of her as she did such an amazing job and made sure that no matter Whitney & Booth had a fantastic time and were able to enjoy their special day.

I'm so happy and excited that two of my favorite people got married, and I love the memories I have from being a part of that wonderful day. Congratulations, Whitney & Booth! I love you both and am so happy ya'll found each other.



Photographer | Jason Jarvis Photography

Paper Goods & Hand Paintings | Twila & Co.

Event Coordinators & Stylist | Jeri Hetrick

Wedding Dress | Ava Laurenne Bride

Venue |  The Manor House at King's Charters
