A Little Look Book

lilly-pulitzer-southpoint-mall-durham-nc_10022 Oh Happy Friday! Did you have a good week? I had a pretty good week! It was BUSY. But busy is good! Busy also means making decisions. And I'll tell you what, I am typically the most indecisive person EVER. I am THAT girl that can never decide on a restaurant or a movie. The past few weeks I have been making BIG decisions. IT'S HARD! I've had a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of 'what am I doing?' moments lately, but I'm feeling good about the decisions I've made and I'm moving forward!

So now I bet you're wondering what those decisions are, and I will tell you one of them today, and will reveal the rest next week with the launch of the spring issue of Twila (Hint: it has to do with the magazine).

Starting...well, now, I guess...Twila will be offering Look Books (and e-publications) as a service/product for our clients. You're probably wondering what I mean by 'Look Book.' Well, in the fashion world, it's a book of upcoming trends or fashions that typically gets printed and given out to buyers. Our Look Books are going to be more budget friendly in that they are going to be digital AND can be used for much more than fashion! Think photo shoots, wedding albums, parties, anything really! They will look like the current Twila Magazine in a way that they will flip pages, link items, and embed it digitally within your website, but they will be purely photos (and maybe a little intro paragraph).

Don't worry, I have an example for you!

Remember that fun post last week about my good friend, Molly? We worked together on the rebranding of her amazing blog. Well, we've been working together more over the past week on her Lilly-inspired Lookbook. And it looks AMAZING. We were able to use her new brand, which flowed PERFECTLY with the fun colors and personality of the photos. And what better way to start off a springy weekend than with photos of Lilly? Both the clothing and Molly's sweet little babe who is just a doll.

So, here it is! Please, let me know what you think! I LOVE feedback!



What types of Look Books would you like to see in the future?



P.S. Interested in getting one made for you? Email us! Johnna@TwilaCo.com