Big Dreams & Boss Ladies

I just love this notebook I got from the Creative at Heart Conference (Thanks Laura of Paper & Honey). It is a daily reminder that I need to keep moving forward towards all those big dreams that I have, even the really, really scary ones. 

Truth be told, I've never shared my dreams or spoken of them on the blog...or in real life a lot either. I feel like I get so caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of the boss lady life that I forget to take a step back and really think about what I'm working towards, if anything. I LOVE being a boss lady and running my own business (on most days :) ) but why do I do it? What's the ultimate goal of it and am I making decisions to feed that dream?

Last week, I had a lunch date with Hope Taylor, and it was the day after she had posted her big dreams on the blog. I SO admired that she did that. As we were talking about it during our lunch, she told me that because of that blog, some of those dreams she posted gave way to actually being a reality! Because she put out there what she wanted, someone saw it and reached out to her about making it happen. I mean, CRAZY AMAZING, RIGHT?! I absolutely love spending time with someone as lovely, bright and encouraging as Hope and talking about our dreams and what we want. I want to thank her for inspiring me to write this blog. 

So back to the dreams here. Let me start with this. There's an episode of How I Met Your Mother in the last season (How Your Mother Met Me). And this guy is talking about how he used to live at home, play video games and didn't have any direction in his life. Once he decided what he wanted to do, here's what he said:

-Even if it sounds completely crazy, what is it you want to do with your life?

-I want to end poverty.

-Great. Then every decision you make from here on out should be in service of that.

I seems so simple right? Obviously, that's exactly how it should be. But if I really look at my life, my work and what I do, am I serving my big dreams? 

Honestly, I am definitely not 100% serving my big dreams. Mostly because I've never sat down and decided what they are. Of course, I have ideas of what I'd really love to do or who I'd love to be, but I've never really sat down and written them down. That is until now. 

Today I am sharing my dreams on the blog. Some of my more attainable dreams, and some of my really big scary dreams. 

So here are my more 'attanable' dreams

Increase my branding projects & clients

Attend or have a booth at the National Stationery Show

Become a Wholesaler of Paper Goods and have my goods sold in more retail spaces

Create a line of Amputee Related Cards

And here are my BIG, SCARY dreams!

Own a Brick & Mortar Paper Goods & Gift Box Store

Become a Creative Editor or Layout Designer for a Magazine


So that's it! Those are my dreams! Now that I have them written down, every decision I make, every project I work on, and everything I do will be in service to these.

What are your dreams??


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