Welcome to our new site!

I can't believe it's finally finished! This new site has been a dream of mine for a while and I am so excited that it's finally time to go live and share it with you.

My old site was in Wordpress and I hosted through GoDaddy, and for this new site I switched over to Squarespace. There are TONS of reasons why, but in case you are on the fence about where you want to go, here are some reasons why I switched.

  1. GoDaddy had a hard time keeping up with my site. I was constantly having issues with my site uploading, and on days where my traffic was heavy or there were a lot of photos, sometimes I couldn't even get my site to load. Talk about frustrating! So far, Squarespace has been amazing.
  2. Squarespace is a great Content Management System. I enjoyed Wordpress, and it worked well for me for a few years. For a long time, I wasn't going to switch over to Squarespace, but now I am SO GLAD that I did. It's so much easier to use, there's less of a chance of me totally screwing something up and losing my site (which I've done with Wordpress), and it has so many more options. 
  3. No more coding! While I do use some coding here or there, for the most part, Squarespace eliminates most of my need to do any coding, and let me tell you, that is music to my ears! I LOVE designing websites, but I am not a coder by any means. And Squarespace makes my job so much easier. 
  4. Squarespace is a one-stop-shop. I can have my URL, hosting, and shop all in one place rather than multiple accounts and it makes it so much easier. I love only having to have one login and one place for all of my stuff.
  5. Squarespace is fresh. There are millions upon millions of Wordpress templates out there, and millions of combinations you could use. It really does offer a lot, but I am really loving how fresh and clean the Squarespace templates are. I think it says a lot about the customization abilities within their templates since they only have a few options, but within each of those templates there are thousands of options. 

Bottom line, I can't say enough good things about Squarespace. 

There is a TON of new stuff!

  1. Online Shop- Yes, we still have our Etsy store, but now we also have a shop within the site! You can purchase our most popular items directly from us. 
  2. Font Library- I finally took the time to create a font library for the site. It has a list of the most commonly used fonts.
  3. New Branding Packages- I am super excited for this! I've been working hard on trying to put together an all-encompassing package that provides the full branding experience and I am incredibly happy to finally share it with you!
  4. A New Branding Portfolio- (FINALLY!) It's taken way way too long to update the portfolio, but I've listed some of my favorite branding projects to date.

And now for some Blog Announcements!

I have been working on a blogging schedule that works for the content I want to share, the days I want to blog and what I think my readers want to read.

MONDAYS I will continue the Last Adventures journey. You guys have been so incredibly support and I could never thank you enough for your encouragement through this. I truly couldn't have it done it without knowing everyone was 100% behind us and praying for us.

WEDNESDAYS will be business days! I get a lot of questions on how I run things behind the scenes (invoicing, organization, pricing, branding, tips, etc.) and am going to be sharing how I do it. I am in NO WAY an expert, and I am constantly learning new things, but working with lots of clients who are just starting out, maybe they won't make the same mistakes I did.

FRIDAYS are photo days! Meaning lots and lots of photos! Whether it's a new product, something personal, fun ideas or how-to's, anything that requires lots of photos and fun will be captured on Friday's blogs to head into the weekend on a good, fun note. 

The time I've taken away from the blog has been a nice breather. I caught up on a few blogs and have a lot of ideas roaming around. And I couldn't be more excited to finally share the site with you! Take a look around and let me know what you think! I'd love to hear you thoughts!

xoxo, Johnna

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