Fairy Godmother Stardust Ball

I can't believe another Monday is here and we're almost to October. Wasn't it JUST Labor Day weekend? Or even just Summertime? While I am LOVING that it feels more like fall everyday, I still can't believe how fast time flies. Seriously. The older I get, the faster it goes. It's almost scary. While I'm usually one to love September as it introduces fall back into our lives (my favorite season), I'm ready for October to be here. A new month and a new season is just what I need. After a crazy whirlwind of a summer, I basically annihilated my immune system laying ground for a pretty nasty virus to take over. And this past month I've been trying to get back into working full-time all while doing it from the couch, in between long naps from severe exhaustion. The fun thing about having no immune system is being susceptible to EVERY sickness and cold you come in contact with during that time. I've basically tried to be a hermit for the past month. And right when I am actually starting to get better, I get a gluten sneak attack and land myself right back on the couch.

But that's enough complaining and enough about me for this morning, let's get into the fun part. This past Friday night was the Stardust Ball for the Fairy Godmother Project and we had the honor of putting together a little basket of goodies for their auction. A midst being sick, I almost forgot about putting this donation together. But luckily, it all came together.

I was inspired by the latest Kate Spade trend of pink, gold and polka dots, and wanted to do a bit of a girls' basket of wine,  straws and stationery. Unfortunately, my photography is really crappy (as per usual). {Side note: does anyone have any good online tutorials on how to take better photos? I have a nice camera to use, but haven't got the first clue on how to use it.} But hopefully, you'll get the idea of the basket!








Have a great Monday!!
