The Office

So if you follow along on Instagram, you may have already read about how my day was yesterday. Well after posting that and then watching the Office series finale, I decided it would make a good blog post as well.

Well, yesterday wasn't the best day ever. But the thing is, nothing really terrible happened...but nothing went quite right either. From the moment I woke up, everything just seemed off. And the more the day went on, the more tired I get and the more I just wanted to go home and crawl back in bed. And nothing monumental happens. It's relatively uneventful, but somehow that uneventfulness makes you question everything you're doing anyways and by the time you get home you just feel weird and are absolutely drained. 

So logically, I put on the Office series finale (well, to be fair, I've watched through the entire that was the next consecutive episode).

Oh man, every time I watch that finale I get all teary eyed. One because it's just so darn good. One of the best finales for any TV show I've seen. And two because I just don't ever want it to be over. I love the Office! And like any good show, you just want it to keep going on and on and on forever. So naturally, as soon as I watch the finale, I immediately have to restart the series at Episode 1 so that I don't feel like it ever truly ends.


The last episode is just FULL of great quotes and life lessons. And last night, they just really made me think.

I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them. - Andy Bernard

It made me think about this time of my life: my twenties. And how sometimes things can be so uncertain, so scary and you just want to quit. And some days you question absolutely everything that you are doing and wondering why you chose this life. And some days can just really, truly, down right suck. But, one day, I know I'm going to look back and remember that these were the days.

You know, the days that you look back on and remember fondly. The days that you struggled, but you still knew that it was worth it. The days that build us into the future us, that help us grow and learn how to be better people, that teach us patience and the hard lessons. 

There’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn’t that kind of the point?- Pam Halpert

Yes. Yes. Yes. It's the ordinary days that add up to make things extraordinary. It's those mundane, uneventful days that end up meshing together and don't seem like they matter at the time...but they do! That's the place where we spent so much of our lives. All that hard work, all that time, all that build up. IT DOES MATTEREveryone has a story. And stories aren't built from one random day. They are built over time; out of lots of ordinary, mundane, arbitrary things.

So keep working. Keep moving forward and reaching for those goals. Even if it feels like nothing matters or like today is just another day. IT DOES MATTER. 

 I sold paper at this company for 12 years. My job was to speak to clients on the phone about quantities and types of copier paper. Even if I didn’t love every minute of it, everything I have, I owe to this job. This stupid…wonderful…boring…amazing job. - Jim Halpert

Of course, I couldn't leave out Jim.

Three years ago, I quit my full time job and started to work for myself. It was a big, scary decision. But it has opened my life up to so much more than a job. I have gained some of the best friends a girl could ask for; I've built great relationships with my clients turned friends; it's allowed me to become more involved in my community; it gave me time with Joe after his amputation that no other job would or could have; and most of all, it's given me 'ME' back after years of feeling like a different person. 

Working for yourself is about so much more than the money. It's about your passion and what you were made to do in this life. It's about making yourself happy, and giving back to the world in a way that only you can: by being you.

So keep being you. Keep enjoying those mundane days and don't waste time questioning or comparing yourself. Use that time to build your story and become the future you. 

Happy Friday, ya'll!


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