The Rising Tide Society


All I am feeling this week is pure gratitude. Gratitude for being in this amazing industry; gratitude for so many fabulous new followers; gratitude for incredible, supportive friends and fellow boss ladies. I truly could not do this without you.

Let me start by saying that this week wasn't just about reaching 1000 on Instagram or Facebook. I mean, yeah, it's awesome and I am so honored that so many people think my accounts are worth following, but at the end of the day it truly doesn't matter how many followers you have if it was done negativity, or the heart isn't there behind it and there's no passion to share.

And I wouldn't have gotten here with the help of the The Rising Tide Society initiatives this week. I mean, what a wonderful coincidence that the same week I did a 'social media week' with giveaways to help reach my goal, they did a 5 day Instagram Challenge. What great timing to really focus on not just my own accounts but the accounts of so many other great creatives and bosses all over! I am so inspired by each and every one of you.

That's why the Rising Tide Society is so amazing. It truly instills the 'Community Over Competition' throughout the world, and encourages it through their continual actions of Tuesdays Together and their social media. It has brought so many people together and I know it will continue to do so for a long time. 

If you don't know about the Rising Tide Society or if you haven't followed them yet, check them out now! 

The Rising Tide Society  |  Rising Tide Society Facebook  |  Rising Tide Society Instagram

Today's challenge is Friday Introductions, so I am going to share 5 things about myself and then we'll get into the giveaway.

  1. Ok, so one of the questions on how to come up with things to share was 'Do you like sharks?' I couldn't help but chuckle because I was a shark for Halloween this past year, and Joe was a surfer with his leg cut off (since he's an amputee...we have a weird sense of humor). So yes. Yes, I like sharks. Maybe I should put that costume back on for today's selfie...
  2. My big girl scary dream is to one day own a paper and design, brick and mortar store where clients can come in and we can sit down and talk about their projects and pick out colors and fonts and all things design when it comes to their weddings or brands. 
  3. I LOVE music and have attended the Firefly Music Festival in Dover, DE the past few years. I love just about every type of music there is. My favorite band ever is the Foo Fighters (hence my pups name of Grohl).
  4. I have Celiac's Disease, so I live a gluten free lifestyle. I have learned to cook and bake EVERYTHING gluten free because I LOVE food, so if you're gluten free and looking for some recipes, email me!
  5. My favorite city in the world is San Francisco. Joe and I have a 5 year plan that includes moving there, but even if we don't, we love visiting and hope to get out there as much as possible. 

ON TO THE GIVEAWAY! Other than reaching a milestone on Instagram/Facebook, I just really wanted to do a giveaway ;) ! I LOVE giving gifts, so it makes me so happy to give away some products from my heart to my followers. And today's giveaway is my absolute favorite... A FREDERICKSBURG GIFT BOX! My favorite box of all filled with all my favorite goodies from around Fredericksburg.

1 Pack of Monogram Cards from Twila & Co.

2 Kinds of Popcorn from the Popcorn Bag

1 Container of nut butter from Sprelly

1 Bath Bomb from Ladyburg &

1 Soap from Ladyburg

To enter, head on over to our Instagram or Facebook profiles and comment with something about YOU! I'd love to get to know my followers a little better. Can't wait to hear more about you!