5 Days of Christmas: Day 2


On the second day of Christmas, Twila & Co. gave to me


I love sending mail. And of course, who doesn't love getting mail. A hand written card or note in your mailbox from someone you love? Yes, please! Unfortunately, with all the social media (especially email) snail mail just doesn't make our priority lists anymore. While it's not nearly as fast, real mail has so much more character than email. I love using markers and putting in pictures or clippings. I like to keep things interesting...And I know I'm probably one of the few people who feels this way, but I actually really like hand writing things.

I think I get part of it from my Grandma. She sent letters to everyone ALL the time. She knew every person's birthday, who was sick and what hospital they were in, anniversaries, graduations, etc. She knew it all. And thus had a constant stream of cards and notes coming and going from her house to find their way all over the country. She used to tape the cards she received to the back of her front door so she could see them all day long. There used to be SO many.

For 2015, it is one of my (for lack of a better term, even though I hate this term) resolutions is going to be to write more. I make and ship cards out all the time, why not make a few extra and send a letter to someone who might not be expecting it or someone who might really need it? My goal is to mail one card a week.

Today's giveaway is a pack of monogram cards complete with envelope printing, stickers and even envelope liners if you should choose! Just let us know...

Who would you like to write to?







Thank you to all of those who told us about their traditions yesterday! We are excited to announce that


is our state watercolor winner! Congrats, Jamie!
