Happy 2015!

2013 Shay Cochrane So last week, I got REALLY luck and won a give-a-way for a coaching session with Laura, owner of Paper & Honey. I was (still am!) so excited because it was exactly what I needed. Things around here have not only been crazy, but I've also been in a creative rut for quite some time. Yesterday, I had my call with Laura and it was amazing. I got some really great feedback, was able to brainstorm and walked away with some great ideas and homework that pointed me in the right direction. I knew Twila was going to have a bunch of changes coming this year, but now I feel more ready to make those changes and decisions than I did before.

So what's new with us? A LOT.View More: http://falkenbergphotography.pass.us/twilaco

photo by Falkenberg Photography

So I'll start from the beginning. Last fall, Jeri was offered a full-time position with a local restaurant that was opening an event-planning and catering division. It is an incredible opportunity for her (one that she would be crazy to pass up) so obviously, she took it! While she will still be working with Twila this year to finish out her 2015 brides, any events booked from here on out will be with her new company. It is so bittersweet because I have LOVED having this opportunity to work with my sister, but I also know this is the next step to her bigger dreams. A step that I know she is going to be AMAZING at and is so well deserved. Her new partners are lucky to have such a talented and bright young woman, who I am so honored to call my sister.

Even though she's leaving, you'll still be seeing a lot of her on the blog as she shares her 2015 brides with us, and I'm hopeful that we will continue to work together in other capacities.

That said, this has given me an incredible chance to reevaluate Twila and where I want the company to go. Since the event planning side is not one that I want to take over myself, I've decided to focus on my work and change Twila into a branding and paper goods company, which is ultimately where my heart really lies. I am taking the next month to work on my designs, my Etsy store and my offerings to tailor it to a whole new Twila brand. This also means a new logo, branding and website which I am SUPER excited about!

While I've started a few things, it's been a little bit hard to get motivated because if I look at the big picture, it is SO daunting that I don't even know where to begin. There is just so much to do. Talking to Laura, she gave me a new perspective and I know see it all in a way that is makes it much more manageable. Now I couldn't be more excited to get started! And I'm even more excited to share it with you as I move forward.


photo taken in Half Moon Bay, California

Lastly, and this is kind of the scariest part as it's something I've wanted to share for a while but 1) I didn't know how, 2) it still scares me to open up and put it all out there and 3) ultimately, I'm scared of what people will think, but thanks to great support and encouragement, I've decided to start a section in my blog about a HUGE portion of my life: my life with Joe and his amputation. We have shared a lot on his Facebook page, the Last Adventures of Joe's Left Foot, but there's also a lot that you don't see because it's either harder to talk about or it's too much for a Facebook post.

As we've been going through this, we read a lot of blogs for tips, ideas, and explanations. 75% of the blogs are from other amputees and 25% are from doctors; I have yet to find a blog that is from a girlfriend/family/wife point of view. My hope in doing this is not only to share a little bit more about my personal life and what we go through on a regular basis, but also I hope that it might reach someone who is in a somewhat similar situation and it might help them.

This last one is still a bit scary for me and I'm still nervous about what I'm going to write or how I'm going to share some of these private things, but after talking to Joe about sharing more of his story and having Laura's encouragement, I think it will all work out. This is such a big part of my life now that by not sharing it, I'm not sharing completely who I am, and my goal is to make this company a reflection of who I am and what I am passionate about.



 A little peek at my new office!!

The bottom line to all of this is that I have a lot of changes coming up; changes that I'm really excited about, but also nervous. I couldn't thank Laura enough for talking with me yesterday and being so understanding and encouraging. I really needed it and she was absolutely amazing. There's been a LOT going on and it was nice to sit down and just talk it all out.

If you see me in person or my posts online, I would absolutely LOVE a hug or to hear from you. I have to say, I am definitely in need of support and encouragement as I make this next step for Twila!


P.S. I AM ATTENDING (& SPONSORING AGAIN) THE CREATIVE AT HEART CONFERENCE IN MARCH! YAY! I am so excited to meet other creatives and really get my business up and moving this year.
