What's Going On

Bonjour! Hello! So nice to see you!

It's no secret that I've been pretty MIA these last few months, but I promise it's not without reason! While there aren't any huge announcements or changes or crazy things going on, there are a ton of little things. So rather than try to post all kinds of blogs about a bunch of little things, I decided to just post one blog to bring you up to speed on what's going on behind the scenes at Twila. 

More than anything, we've been laying groundwork. And sometimes it's that groundwork that takes the longest that is the most unseen. It feels never-ending and cumbersome and lonely, but you know that in the end, it's all worth it because you've built something awesome. And that's where we are. 

We're trying new things, making mistakes, using our creative juices, building our future, and all around just getting our hands dirty in the nitty-gritty of owning a business. Good or bad, that's the season of life that we're in. And honestly, we wouldn't have it any other way and we can't wait to see where this takes us.

SO! Here's what's been going on...

What's Been Happening

Welcome Morgan! | I am SO SO SO excited to tell you that we have an intern this summer! On Friday, we'll be welcoming her a little bit formally with an introduction, but for today I just have to welcome her officially. I am so excited that she's here. She's already been helping so incredibly much and keeps me on track. And of course you met her pup Oakley last week if you follow on Instagram. Can't wait to share more about her on Friday.

Last Adventures | This is part of the reason I find it hard to post blogs and be on social media lately. Things are good, don't get me wrong. But we're still adjusting. Joe's leg, while it's much better, is still a work in progress. He's been on crutches a few times here and there, and is still traveling to Northern VA for his prosthetic appointments. While we hope these adjustment periods will become less frequent, for now, it's just a part of our life and we're learning and trying to adjust to the best that we can as things come our way.

Product Designs | I've been working on a lot of new designs for the online shops and have been working with Hope Taylor Photography on new photos (And don't you just LOVE her new brand?! It's gorgeous!). We've been slowly putting some up here and there, but will be making a more formal announcement of our new lines soon...including these cheeky new wine labels!

Twila & Co. April-0124.jpg

What's Coming Up

Staying In Touch |  Now that I have Morgan to help keep me on track, I can't wait to stay more in touch with everyone. I feel a little off without you guys! I'm excited to get back into blogging, to stay in better touch, and to share more about what's going on lately with you. 

New Blog Topics | Despite the fact that I haven't been blogging much lately, I do have a ridiculous list of blog ideas that I cannot wait to share! I just haven't been able to find the time to do it. 

New Burg Boxes & Products | I've been in contact with many new vendors and am so excited to start introducing them into the boxes. We now have candles, monogrammed mugs, spices, gift certificate and more to come! There are still lots of items and changes coming to both the Twila and the Burg Box brand, but we are waiting to develop them a bit more before sharing.